You can also buy new gear for testing from the special PTR vendor, Djank Mi’em, who will exchange Blood Shards for class-specific bags full of Legendary items that we’d love for you to test! There will be three PTR-unique buffs active to help you on your journey: increased Legendary drop rate, increased experience gains, and double Blood Shard drops.During this time there may be periodic maintenances, outages, hotfixes, or minor patches.

We’ll be conducting the Patch 2.7.2 PTR starting Thursday, November 4. Diablo 3 Season 25 | 2.7.2 Patch Notes PTR Focus & Details The full list of updates is down below, as well as how to copy over your character to the PTR server for the optimal preview. Updates on the PTR devs said they’d like participating players to try out include Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Necromancer, Wizard and Demon Hunter set changes. Blizzard Entertainment The Barbarian is among the classes getting tweaked in the latest patch.